176) 1/01/22 - Email received :"Hi Rabbi Hool, Amen to your beautiful brachos! We wanted to share with you that Baruch HaShem the tests came back clear and the symptoms have subsided substantially. We are still davening, but we wanted to let you know and express our hakaras hatov to the Rav."

177) - 18/1/22 Rav Hool receives a call from client ordering a second procedure. He relates that his wife was in the ICU and Baruch Hashem she made a full recovery shortly after the lead procedure. So he wants to order another procedure for someone else...

178) 22/2/22 Email received: "“My father successfully sold his business in the mid-2000s. He was to retire and invest the proceeds in various ways. None of which appeared to be overly risky. For the following 16 years, he had nothing but grief. It felt like he was constantly swimming against the tide. The investments nearly bankrupt him. The situation was so dire he contemplated suicide on many occasions. In the summer of 2021, he went to see Rav Hool. Shortly after, the tide started to turn. All the investments that had been a disaster changed direction in a very positive way. His stress disappeared, and he started for the first time in nearly 20 years, enjoying his retirement. I’m a cynic and don’t believe in things I can’t prove. However, this was either a 1 in a million coincidence or something else I can’t explain.”

179) 07/03/22 Email received: "Good morning, After 5+ years of ongoing custody battles, the lawyer who fought and caused endless difficulties for our family suddenly resigned from the case early this morning... חסדי ה' כי לא תמו Everybody involved is simply stumped, unable to find any rational for the sudden ישועה. Needless to say that I have not shared with them the process of הסרת עין הרע that I underwent by you last night."

180) 8/3/22 Email received: "Just wanted to share a besurah tova with the Ruv. My daughter BH is expecting a child after 3 years...."

181) 27/3/22 We are notified that a 24yr old girl who had the procedure became a kallah B'H'.

182) 29/3/22 Woman who had the following issues: "I have a rash at the top of my legs. The left of my neck and back is bad. I have the rash on my arms. My jaw has been clicking recently. My stomach is itchy too..."

Sends email (before ordering another procedure for a relative)"Yes all my symptoms went away. BH" 

183) 10/4/22 Client orders another procedure for family member. After we ask if there was improvement since last procedure, he emails reply: "Yes to a great extent thank you!"

184) 25/4/22 Email received from client: "Baruch HaShem I am feeling much calmer today and I am grateful for your concern and kindness...."

185) 16/5/22 Email received from client about procedure: "....Shalom bayis worked very well......"

186) 23/5/22  A New client comes to Rav Hool. She tells him; "I'm here for a procedure because you did the procedure for my friend (who was suicidal!) and shortly afterwards I saw a major change in her mental health for the better!......" (she's hoping to be engaged soon iyH...)

187) 25/5/22 Email received: ".....You did some work for my brother bH his parnussah picked up amazing......"

188) 27/6/22 Client calls Rav Hool and says "B'H' It definately helped her (my daughter -in-law), she is much less anxious (since the procedure)....."

189) 22/7/22 Rav Hool receives a message of thanks: "....and please tell him that he has had massive improvement B'H' since the procedure"

190) 06/8/22 Rav Hool meets a client who had a procedure after a devastating financial crisis. He tells Rav Hool: "Put on your website- in the name of an anonymous client- "(the procedure was an) absolute game changer! Boruch Hashem!!

191) 11/8/22 Rav Hool meets client two days after procedure, he tells him: "We had a property we were having great difficulty finding tenants for, since the procedure we have had three offers! Something is definately working here!" Boruch Hashem!

192) 4/9/22 Email received from a woman who received the kamayoh a day beforehand:

"We met Monday. Tuesday evening I was dropping off some women at a bus stop pull out. They got out of the car and then an enormous (18 wheeler?) truck came barreling down the street, swerving, jammed on the breaks with screeching and a black plume of burnt rubber smoke, swerved some more and missed me by a few centimeters, B”H! If he had touched me, it would have been dramatic. If he had hit me, I would have been a pancake. I felt like there was, as if, a force field around me that protected me......"

193) 6/9/22 Email received from client who ordered emergency procedure the day before:

"B'H the issue is not as serious as originally thought-prehaps due to the explosion? Still waiting for some results but no longer urgently. Thanks a lot....."

194) 7/9/22 Email received from client: "Hi R' Doniel B'H there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel with parnassah and some aspects of my health are improving. I say Mizmor l'Dovid with each meal and the 10 pesukim each morning......"

195) 14/9/22 Client tells Rav Hool: "Immediately after the procedure my headaches and jaw pain went down significantly and things started moving with the house I'm building...."

196) 7/10/22 Message received from client: "I have noticed beracha in other areas of my life though, BH!"

197) 11/10/22 Rav Hool is told that a boy who was 25 years old and needed a shidduch, B' Hashem became engaged within 3 months of procedure. Mazal Tov!

198) 26/10/22 Email received from client who had multiple problems- physical, emotional and financial: "Hi, B”H the update is good… since RH there has been a turn for the good I’m continuing to say the psukim…"

199) 11/11/22 Client who suffered from double vision was told by doctor his vision would take 6 weeks to return to normal. He relates to Rav Hool that after his procedure- his vision returned to normal after 4 weeks B' Hashem!

  200) 4/01/23) Email received: ".....you may have been instrumental in the wedding….Do you remember that you did oferet for him a few months ago? Yesher coah...."

 201) 9/1/23 Email received from client who's son had a life threatening issue: "...you did the process for my son.......a couple of years back and boruch Hashem he is stable. Be gebenched"

202) 11/1/23 Email sent to client: "Has there been any improvement to report on since your procedure?" Emailed response: "In the area you mentioned yes...."

203) 29/1/23 Client calls back a week after procedure to order kamayoh. Rav Hool asks "Was there any improvement since the procedure?" He replies: "...Very much so!...It's weird..."

204) 06/2/23 Email sent to client: "Hi- when did we do a procedure for your father and did it help him?" Emailed response: "It was during corona but not for corona and yes bH"

205) 17/2/23 Rav Hool meets client who had procedure a few weeks prior. She tells him "B'H' there was a big improvement right after the procedure".

206) 17/2/23 Client who was suffering greatly from tooth infection tells Rav Hool on the phone "B'H' everything went smoothly (after the procedure)".

207) 19/2/23 A Dayan who requested the procedure for someone last week reports to Rav Hool "There WAS an improvement since the procedure"

208)  27/3/23 Email received within 16 hours after procedure:

          "Hello R' Doniel, BH since this morning my wife is able to stand and walk without crutches. She still doesn't walk completely normal and she's still weak, but definitely a big improvement BH.

Thank you very much.

                              Kol tuv."

209) 24/4/23 Email received: "B"H, when last time you did procedure, great results...."

210) 24/4/23 Rav Hool is told on phone "I think there is a LOT of improvement with my daughters headaches (since doing the procedure).....


211) 16/5/23 Rav Hool receives call from client who did procedure for zs'k, and is told B'H they had success 'immediately after the procedure'

212) 17/5/23 Email received; "...

I've been saying the pesukim daily and the anxiety abated...."

213) 25/5/23 Email received from client 12 days after procedure: He had requested procedure stating: "I need a Yeshua in parnossa, I have multiple businesses and many of them are really tight right now with cash flow." He sends email 12 days later: "Hi! B"H things are really doing better blin ayin hora! Thank you so much!

214) 2/6/23 Email received: "There has been some improvement since the "lead procedure", but we still have a way to go. Thanks for your help."

215) 6/6/23 Rav Hool asks client on the phone "Have you seen improvement since the procedure?" Her response "I absolutely have!" She goes on to tell Rav Hool that her sister and husband did the procedure for zs'k and a job and soon after the procedure her husband found a fantastic job and they have a healthy baby and another on the way! BH! 

216) 9/6/23 Email received from client who was asked if there was improvement since procedure: He responds: "I think so..".

Also email received from client who's wife was 'suicidal' before the procedure: He sends email updating on further improvement since the procedure, he writes:  "There was a major change in the last couple of days. She says she now knows the purpose of her being sick before and can now move on with a positive attitude. She is enthusiastic and happy. She has learned of a real course she can take to train to be of help to other "traumatized" people. BA"H, she will continue to improve. Thanks for your help!"

217) 22/6/23 Email received from client: "I just want to let you know that my financial situation in my business (art) has improved noticeably since last time we did…Thanks"

218) 29/6/23 Phone call received from client "I am definately in a 'better place' now since the procedure...."

219) 29/6/23 Phone call received from obese client who had the procedure when he had diabetes and stage 4

metastasized cancer all over his body R'l' and was given 6 weeks to live.... That was a year ago.....

He tells Rav Hool: "I wear the kamayoh all the time. The cancer was all over my body- but after the procedure I was given a new medication -now my lungs are clear and also everywhere else is clear besides one small dormant tumor. I have lost 43 kilos, my diabetes has completely disappeared and I am off medication for it. My blood work and blood pressure are perfect. I am considered 'stable'. The doctors say I am a 'medical miracle'! He blesses Rav Hool: "Hashem should continue to hold your hand until 120!" He says he is calling to arrange the kamayoh for a relative of his.

220) 7/7/23 Email received from client: "I would like to thank you with your help couple of years ago. I have to say so many good things happened....and health improvements..."

221) 9/7/23 Client had procedure for zs'k. She tells Rav Hool on the phone: "You told me there was a problem/blockage internal below navel left side. My doctor subsequently confirmed this to be the case, however B'H' I soon became pregnant even without any treatment!"

222) 11/7/23 Email sent to client: "When did I do the procedure last for you and was it a success?" Email response: "It was about early March... And yes it was"

223) 20/7/23 Rav Hool asks client on the phone: "Was there improvement since the procedure?" His response: "Yes..Yes..Boruch Hashem!"

224) 29/7/23 Email received: "Hi Last time we spoke the rov asked for me to stay in touch with updates?

So I have been saying the pasukim daily. My anxiety appears to have mostly calmed.down. My wife got a visa via her job so I don't need to leave the country...."

225) 30/7/23 Friend of client (who did the procedure a week previous) relates to Rav Hool: "He is much, much, better since the procedure!"

226) 10/8/23 Rabbi Hool is told on the phone: "I improved a lot after the procedure, not only was it a success, I also found the procedure was very cathartic..."

227) 12/9/23 Client tells Rav Hool concerning procedure for her son-in-law: "There was a real shift (for the good) concerning her (her daughter's) husband!....."

228) 14/9/23 Email received from client who had procedure a month prior: "Hi R’Doniel I just wanted to let you know that B'H' I did and continue to experience significant improvement to my health following my visit with you. Thank you very much. Wishing you a כתיבה וחתימה טובה

229/230) 28/9/23 A dayan who had the procedure for himself and his rebbitzen calls Rav Hool and tells him "The procedures you did for us, very,very much helped both my wife and myself! Yeyasher kochachem!"

231) 5/10/23 Client tells Rav Hool on the phone: "Since we did the procedure 2 years ago B'H' there has been a steady and slow improvement..."

232) 20/10/23 Email received: "...Yes I believe your procedure helps ,, I’m very greatfull to you..."

233) 7/11/23 Email received: "....Just wanted to update you that BH the pain in my right arm and hand has subsided, and my business has seen improvements. I continue to perform my accepted mitzvah each day and say the pessukim bli neder....."

234) 19/11/23 Client tells Rav Hool on the phone less than a week after the procedure: "I have removed ayin horah (with the lead procedure) before with other people, but I never had such a dramatic change both financial and physical as I did with you..."

235) 20/11/23 Email received from client: "Hi Rabbi Hool, I have the Komeyia, thanks you for sending........ Also, BH I got a 6 month contract, so it has helped for Parnosoh BH."

236) 4/124 Email sent to client requesting another procedure:

"Was there improvement after the last procedure?" His email reponse:

"Yes BH'"

237) 10/1/24 Email received from client -less than 6 hours after procedure! (Procedure accurately identified medical issue with left eye, teeth left side and back problem):

  "...... (he) had an excellent night seders tonight, first time without becoming anxious and overwhelmed - starting from when you did your עבודה! Also, he confirmed that he actually was feeling stiffness and pain in his back lately and he reminded me that he had a root canal on the left side of his mouth! He was a bit blown away by your report. Tonight a visible שינוי לטובה."

238) 29/01/24 Email received from client a day after procedure:

 "Hi thank you so much for the ayin hara treatment I can definitely breathe clearer now. It’s very good. I definitely feel better thank you so much for helping me I greatly appreciate it."

239) 30/01/24  Email sent to client who had procedure 4 months ago:

"....was there improvement since the last procedure?" His reply:

"Yes, but things are getting a little more stressful again. Thanks.

Would like to do for my wife as well if possible."

240) 11/3/24 Client calls Rav Hool and tells him on the phone: "Baruch Hashem my situation is much, much better since you did the procedure..."

241) 18/3/24 Client tells Rav Hool on the phone (3 days after procedure): "After a year running to different doctors- my ear pain has disappeared and so has the ringing in my ears!...."- She then sends the following email for our records:

"I had ringing in my ear for a year now which no Docter, or x ray was able to explain, after removing the ayin hara the ringing stopped and the pain is slowly going away now as well."

242) 17/3/24 Rosh Kollel tells Rav Hool about an avrech in his kollel who returned from fighting in Gaza with 'issues' -"You have no idea of the positive 'night to day' difference in him since you did the procedure"


243) 19/3/24 Email received from client: "You could tell I had neck and shoulder pain. I also reported skin rash. Just updating the shoulder pain went the next day. Which was a surprise......"

244) 28/3/24 Email received from client a couple of weeks after the procedure: "Hope you are well. I am feeling better than I was doing a few months ago....." He subsequently says on the phone "...There has definitely been improvement since the procedure."

245) 9/5/24 Email received from client who had procedure for parnossoh: "......Business has never been better since the last procedure. Results were visible immediately over the next few days. Thanks again."

246) 6/6/24 Email received from client: "Shalom Rav, I'm telling you B"H saw yeshuos....."

247) 14/6/24 Rav Hool meets a rav who sent a divorced talmid for a procedure a few months ago. He tells Rav Hool: "Oh I forgot to tell you- he got married (shortly after the procedure)...."

248/9) 19/6/24 Rav Hool meets client who had a procedure for both himself and his wife. He tells Rav Hool: "There was mamash a BIG difference a week or two after -for both myself and my wife!"

250) 26/6/24 Email received from client less than two weeks after procedure. (She had been to multiple doctors who could not help her):

"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that Baruch Hashem Bli ayin hara the rash that I came for is almost totally gone. Thank you!"

251) 30/9/24 Email received: ".....feels improvement and said thank you..."

252/253)  8/10/24 Email received: "......the Rav helped bring yeshuos for myself and my husband Baruch HaShem on 2 occasions. We have so much hakaras hatov!...."